What does it mean to own something? The author, our co-founder, spent his college years building a curriculum--economic, political, philosophical, literary, religious, scientific--around a search for answers to this question. In America, he found, the best place to look was where it hadn't been established, where communal traditions dating back eons came up against a self-selected segment of the world that wanted nothing more than to stake a claim, a claim of their own...

What does it mean to own something? The author, our co-founder, spent his college years building a curriculum--economic, political, philosophical, literary, religious, scientific--around a search for answers to this question. In America, he found, the best place to look was where it hadn't been established, where communal traditions dating back eons came up against a self-selected segment of the world that wanted nothing more than to stake a claim, a claim of their own...

It's been more than 70 years since the first Kennedy-Nixon debate, and there has been an explosion of media types and formats better suited to test presidential mettle than what debates have devolved to. Here are a few we think are worth running up the flagpole to network execs, whose contact info we've helpfully provided...