“Defeating fascism won’t be a matter of finding the right message; it will require millions of small actions and millions of conversations by millions of Americans, each taken in faith that there’s no such thing as a small action or a pointless conversation…“
–Timothy Snyder
“I have decided to become what you have made me…”
–Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Welcome to the world’s first community-based sticker campaign for the 2024 election and beyond…
These offerings are intended to promote comity, unity, the shared interests of middle & working class Americans on both sides of the divide, our interdependence, and the shared values (including tolerance for difference) that made this country what it is, not to mention blunt our adversaries’ motivating rage. All because when all this is over, we’re still going to have to move forward together–or die as a nation.
Each sticker can either be ordered online (if you want to save yourself some effort and support us) or downloaded (“roll your own“) to print out by your lonesome (or with the help of your local print shop).
One of the best ways we know to cool the ardor of a Trump supporter for conflict, and remind him/her/them we’re all on the same side, is to ask this question. The answer, of course, is Russia and China, and while there’s clearly a Fifth Column, led by Tucker & Trump, that would be OK with this, the vast majority of voters of any stripe are not.
The dirty little secret of political media is that a lot of the conflict is manufactured to get clicks and sell ads. Sure, there are things the left and right disagree about, sometimes violently so, but before the Fourth Estate–and its cash cow, Donald Trump–succeed in convincing us we aren’t even all the same species, it’s important to remember the many things we violently agree about as well. That’s the message of this sticker, supported by a QR code leading to a Google Doc featuring pages and pages of pretty fundamental propositions put forward by pollsters that 70, 80, even 90% of Americans agree about or on.
Representing the view that the more politics becomes local, rather than national, the more democratic the country will become and the fewer problems we’ll have. Certainly, this should be true where polarization is concerned, much of which is driven by unhealthy anger at people we don’t actually know. On a local level, people of all stripes are accountable for working together; everyone knows where everyone else lives. We’re not sure about the art and design of this piece, though; if you have suggestions—or think it’s great as is—let us know…
If there’s anything we’ve learned as never before in the last eight years, it’s that the media is a business, not an independent protector of we, the people. The First Amendment is nothing but a glorified antitrust exemption for them and they’ve clearly got a vested interest in seeing their cash cow, Donald Trump, returned to office. We cannot count on them to do the job the Founders appointed them; instead we’re going to have to do it for them via millions of conversations with millions of fellow citizens between now and the 5th of November.
Uses the concepts of yin and yang to put forward an existential and essential message: that red, blue, and purple; Republicans, Democrats, and Independents; liberals, conservatives, and moderates, are all vital and indispensable parts of what we call America. Available as a sticker; even better as a button.
From here, you can access more stickers of this type, check out what we’ve got in the pipeline, or send us stickers you’ve created yourself that you’d like to see added to the array and fray, or ideas for one or more you’d like to see us create…
These stickers are, as you might expect, intermediate between carrots and sticks, and like plant stems are designed to lead somewhere, namely conversion, in this case through dialog, discussion, debate, and growth (in general, we want to develop enough stickers to create a conversation with the electorate throughout the campaign, not to mention overwhelm the MAGAs’ limited creative capacity to respond). They’ll attack Trump and the GOP based on data, primary source evidence, logic, common sense, and humor, and as such, be the most likely to include QR codes and associated content for support, using, wherever possible, conservative sources and those widely considered neutral to make our case.
In our view, it doesn’t matter if most Trump supporters are immune to all of the above–the goals of this sticker type are to (a) help convert persuadables, including both independents and the not insubstantial slice of the GOP base (as Nikki Haley has been showing) who aren’t completely sold on him (in any election where every vote will count) (b) reduce the certitude of his core supporters about both the man and his electability, reducing the number of extra miles they’re willing to go for him (c) show waverers on our side that this is a battle that can and should be won, and thereby persuade them to do more to make it happen.
Most of these stickers can be ordered online (if you want to save yourself some effort and support us) and all can be downloaded (“roll your own“) to print out by your lonesome (or with the help of your local print shop).
For reasons unknown, our fellow Americans believe Republicans in general, and Trump, in particular, are better at managing the economy, even though the last three Republican presidencies have ended in economic collapse. The Google Doc linked to via the QR code on this sticker will document this, and a whole lot more—the fact that 10 of the last 11 recessions have begun under Republicans, that the last four Republican presidents have increased the deficit while the last three Democrats have reduced it, the century’s worth of data showing the economy grows nearly three times as fast under Democrats, the real causes of our recent inflation, who was really responsible for it, and more.
A battle cry made visual, showing Trump as the raging sun and the earth eclipsing it/him, symbolizing the change in both climate policy and the political environment since we threw him out of office, and representing both the promise that beating him again will allow us to douse his flame completely, along with the trash-talking confidence (a classic GOP psyop) that we can do so.
A pair of stickers that go together, the first one depicting Trump as Lucy Van Pelt about to, once again, yank a football away just as Charlie Brown is about to kick it, representing all the promises Trump made, broke before (all documented via the associated QR code), and will break again; the second representing the way(s) his second term will really be different from his first (based on his own words and those of his planners).
Trump’s biggest Achilles heel—and he knows it—is his carefully cultivated image as a winner who always wins, which is, above all, how he maintains the god-like loyalty and fervor of his followers, and why he has so vigorously denied not only that he lost the 2020 election but has continued to deny the equally indisputable fact that he lost the 2016 “popular” vote as well. Playing on the title of the popular reality show, this sticker will highlight both his literal unfitness and, especially via the QR code, how he has lost and lost and lost, over and over again, propped up only by increasingly dubious and compromising sources of finance, despite being gifted a $400 million tax-free head start, and documenting the hollowness of his boasts (e.g. by showing how badly he has underperformed vs the S&P with what daddy staked him, proving he’s not only not a successful businessman, but one of the most incompetent, and that his “hundreds of companies” are nearly all shells designed to avoid taxes and/or other financial accountability)
During the pandemic, Trump insisted on affixing his signature to every relief check–a real act of “saved your life” chutzpah, given that he was by far the most responsible for the necessity of those checks in the first place. To this day, too many Americans believe that money came from his personal bank account and are going to vote for him as a result. Meanwhile, just like the Obama years, the Democrats have done a piss-poor job of communicating what their actions have done for the American people; not only that, but they’ve allowed Republicans to take credit for these actions, which, in many cases, said Repos actually opposed. No more. These stickers, featuring Biden and your local Republican hypocrite (let us know who should replace Cruz in your state or district and we’ll crank out the appropriate stickers for you) are to be affixed to infrastructure projects/signs and other evidence of economic growth (eg new factories) occasioned by Biden/Democrats’ legislation and policies), in the process taking back (we came up with it first), owning, and running with MAGA’s most successful sticker concept/innovation to date.
From here, you can access more stickers of this type, check out what we’ve got in the pipeline, or send us stickers you’ve created yourself that you’d like to see added to the array and fray, or ideas for one or more you’d like to see us create…
The most brutal and provocative stickers in our package, these offerings will attack Trump’s character and, in some cases, challenge that of his supporters, utilizing many of the same tactics they’ve deployed against us–e.g. being the projectionists they are, they almost certainly believe “owning” their adversaries is a winning strategy because they know it works on them. In particular, we’ll be working to mitigate Tim Snyder’s greatest fear, that the Right believes it enjoys a monopoly on force, and the related swagger that’s made it so easy for the GOP to convince its supporters not only the 2020 election was stolen from them but 2012 and 2008 were stolen as well.
Overall, the goal of this group of stickers (most of which will take the form of collections/sets) will be to intimidate and demoralize our opponents while stiffening the spine and resolve of our supporters, a majority of whom, unlike Republicans, have said they would flee the country if we were invaded rather than stay and fight for our values and ideals.
At least some of these stickers can be ordered online (if you want to save yourself some effort and support us) and all can be downloaded (“roll your own“) to print out by your lonesome (or with the help of your local print shop).
An area of real potentially puncturability for Trump if we hammer and hammer it–and thereby shake loose at least a few of the scales on the eyes of his supporters– i.e. the tough guy façade they admire vs. his actual whining and cowardice—honestly, has there ever been another human being since Homo sapiens stood up who whines more? The stickers at left are just a few of those we hope to create with this theme in mind. Tough guy, no. Baby, yes. Call him out on it over and over–his silence will eventually speak volumes.
Another area of potential vulnerability: his relentless (and malignant) narcissism. With all the problems we face in the world today, do we really want to go back to being led by someone whose non-stop obsession with himself leads to nothing but chaos and incompetence? Do we really have the luxury of time for that? Trump as hurricane, Trump as Nero (with a pedo reference thrown in—and deservedly so—just to own the cons, who toss the p word around so flippantly you’d think it’s actually no big deal in their neck of the woods), this is another theme we hope to pound early and often.
Whether the pundits and pollsters know it or not, nothing is more on the ballot this fall than democracy and, as a result, as you’ll see, a lot of our stickers will be related, in two flavor tranches: (1) mild/medium and (2) extra spicy. Even mild/medium stickers like these will have an edge to them–it’s important the opposition knows we’re not going to just roll over when they start suppressing the vote again, and it’s at least as important that we commit ourselves to that by posting stickers like these and show we have the guts to call them out. In the case of offerings like Let It Snow and Democracy 3, Dictators/Terrorists 0, we’ll also be giving them a taste of their own psyops, their “resistance is futile,” “owning,” trolling trash-talking.
If MAGAs have even the slightest memory of the stalwart Americans against authoritarianism/dictatorship that they used to be, especially against the totalitarian stench emanating from rivals like Russia and China, these stickers, and others of their ilk, accompanied by supporting documentation, could just make clear to some of them that they are being played for suckers by a deeply indebted puppet of our worst enemies.
More democracy messaging, this time extra spicy, making clear to the far right that they are not going to be able to use voter suppression, the illegitimate and ridiculously anti-democratic Electoral College, or violence (as Snyder says, they need to be reminded they’re not the only ones with firearms) to re-install their Dear Leader in the Oval Office again like they did in 2016. The more stickers like this that get placed, the more we will be ready to “fight like hell” for a change–peacefully, the way the Ukrainians did in 2004 and 2014–or (much) better yet, do whatever it takes between now and Election Day to insure no such fight is necessary.
From here, you can access more stickers of this type, check out what we’ve got in the pipeline, or send us stickers you’ve created yourself that you’d like to see added to the array and fray, or ideas for one or more you’d like to see us create…
“Each time a man stands up to injustice…” The last great campaigner to bridge the great divide the way we hope to, leaving Donald Trump far, far in the rear view, ideally in the supermax where he belongs for his lifetime body of work…