Facebook Fact-Check

By Somnium

We’re glad Facebook and other social media platforms are trying to stop the flow of fake news this election cycle–or at least slow its viral velocity–and as a 30+ year new media veteran myself, I feel the level of blame heaped on these platforms by traditional media outlets that covered one candidate’s emails more extensively in 2016 than all the other candidate’s scandals combined is not even worthy of being characterized as rich.  But as our first hair & gorge-raising little “screenshot novel” below illustrates, there’s either a lot these platforms still need to learn about online community policing, as least where fact patrols are concerned, or–and we sure hope this isn’t true–the behemoth of them all, Facebook, is picking sides.

If you have trouble reading any of the annotations, here’s a link to a higher res version that you can blow up.  Please feel free to redistribute the link or download the image and pass it along as we try to use our three decades of history in the online community-building space to clamber up to someone in the higher echelons of FB and, if necessary, shake them by their lack of lapels so they understand this here, below, is not good for them or the country…


Part of our ongoing Caretography series


Spanking new but not wet behind the ears, Creative Politics synthesizes the best of liberal and conservative ideals with technology and history to generate policies, strategies, applications, and actions for the post-modern era that are well outside the beltway, and well beyond just talk.  All Creative Politics blog posts are collaborative, living documents, the way Madison and Hamilton would create them if they were writing The Federalist today, and so are our projects, campaigns, expos, contests, and even our store…