The I-road should look so good after MCCC years…
“The past isn’t dead. It’s not even past…”
–William Faulkner
The great American writer William Faulkner once said (in the middle of one of his least known works, even) that the past isn’t dead; it’s not even past. We agree; we think a lot of clues as to what we should do next lie in what we, as Americans have–as usual–forgotten we did before. Zinn only knows, we’ve achieved, and said, some pretty amazing things while under the influence of novelty and change (OK, so we’ve worn more than a few lampshades too)…
Fathers Of Anarchy
Generation Z blogger and CP co-founder Baker makes the case that at least some of the ‘chaos’ and ‘lawlessness’ we see in America today was very much part of the original design… Read More…
What happens when America’s ideals collide with history and human nature? For our country’s first chronicler, shatterings that haunt us to the present day… Read More…
World War III
Many have compared the battle against COVID as analogous to World War II, but we think the better comparison is to the first worldwide conflict of the last century, World War I, with attendant lessons to be learned… Read More…
World War IV
It’s a truism that every world war differs dramatically from the last, but the last existential conflict, World War II, is chock full of guidance, strategy, and tactics for the most existential challenge of them all… Read More…
World War III, IV
Like all such conflicts, World Wars III & IV will be different than any before, but it’s the likely similarities that may be most illuminating–and inspirational, if we look hard enough… Read More…
Creative Politics is the world’s first community-based political incubator, synthesizing the best of liberal and conservative ideals with science, art, technology and history to generate policies, strategies, applications, and actions for the post-modern era that are well outside the beltway, and well beyond just talk…
Welcome to the real island of misfit toys, the ones that God forgot to pick up after he was done playing with them…pictured: the chambered nautilus, unchanged in 500 million years, the Carribbean-based solendon, unchanged and venomous for 76 million (that’s right, you don’t have to go to Australia to be poisoned by a mammal), two kakapoas, parrots believed extinct because no one was looking for them on the ground at night, and the elephant shrew, whose closest relative is, yes, unbelievably enough, the Republican–their paths diverged about 60 million years ago, and apparently neither clan ever looked back…