Fire Dreaming, an Aboriginal songline by Malcolm Maloney Jagamarra. For more of his works, click here.
“Well, they’re putting up resistance, but I know, my faith will lead me on..”
–Jimmy Cliff
An ongoing Creative Politics Series
Playlists for every political mood, purpose, and occasion, pitches for political movies and exhibits we’d like to see, creative political research we’d like to see carried out, more or less…
Fighting Chords
When you’re weary, feeling small, a playlist to get you fired up to keep fighting for our country, every day…
Creative Politics synthesizes the best of liberal and conservative ideals with technology and history to generate policies, strategies, applications, and actions for the post-modern era that are well outside the beltway, and well beyond just talk…
You’ve heard of “Democrat wars,” right? Well, these are three great, great “Democratic films” that, unfortunately and anti-intentionally, fed into the ideological climate change leading to where we are today. Let’s see if we can honor the brilliant, dedicated creatives behind them by making art that takes us across the political river Jordan, now that we better understand the twists and turns of human nature…