“If I could ride on a beam of light, what would I see?”
–Albert Einstein
An ongoing Creative Politics series
Einstein imagined riding on a beam of light; in our Thought Experiments series, we’ll be imagining the health care system without insurance, higher education without student loans, laws the length of executive summaries (rather than longer than War and Peace), a world without money (or Saudi Arabia), and more, in all cases assuming the system in question still has to meet at least the same baseline. Do you have something you’d like to pluck from the not-so-terra firma to see how the universe responds? Let us know–we’ll collaborate with you on the vision or support you in your multiverse…
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It’s often been said that government should run more like a business. Unfortunately, the ways in which this is true have never been the focus of reform. We’ve found a simple way to start… Read More...
“Each time a man stands up to injustice…” The last great campaigner to bridge the great divide the way we hope to, leaving Donald Trump far, far in the rear view, ideally in the supermax where he belongs for his lifetime body of work…